The Printers
Professional printer in Etching/Intaglio and Algraphy, *1970 in Dresden, Germany, 1986 Education as printer for Collotype-Reproductions, 1990 printer for artists in Etching and Algrafie in Grafikwerkstatt Dresden, 1996 reconstruction of the workshop in the Technical Collections
Printmaker and professional printer in Letterpress and Relief-printing, *1964 in Dresden, Germany, educated as printer for Letterpress, 1992 printer for artists in Relief-printing in Grafikwerkstatt Dresden, 1996 reconstruction of the Workshop in the Technical Collections
Lithography/Algraphy and workshop management
professional printer in Lithographie and Algraphy, *1964 in Dresden, Germany, 1982 Education as Printer for Collotype-Reproductions, 1984 Printer for artists in Lithographie and Algrafie in Grafikwerkstatt Dresden, 1987 Married, 3 children 3 gandchildren, 1992 Head of Grafikwerkstatt Dresden, 1996 Reconstruction of the Workshop in the Technical Collections Dresden