
We make exact and binding estimates per piece beforehand, especially for professionell services. If you work on your own the cost is calculated per hour, supported by the Culture Department of the City of Dresden. Etching/intaglio, lithography, algraphy, letterpress, relief printing, hand-typeseting, layout and bookbinding, darkroom, grindingroom, etchingroom costs per person 3 €/hour. Each included are: machines, tools, chemicals, sand, drawing materials, rags, etc. but excluding plates and paper. These price are for self-service printing and requires the mastery of printing technology. For extensive professional care or intensive courses entail additional costs.

Costs per person 4 €/hour

New customers will get the first three hours a large implementation support for 8 €/hour.

We have a wide variety of deckle-edged paper, passepartout cartridge paper, various printing and drawing papers, and many other specialist materials in our storeroom.
The daily invitation to teatime is free for all.

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